
英语填字游戏(a cross-word puzzle) 挑战升级,我们再战! 这次的填字游戏和动物习语Animal idioms 有关。对于动物习语不熟悉的小伙伴,可以点击蓝字查看那些容易望文生义动物俚语 或者有关喵和汪的地道英文俚语,文章里的俚语很有可能在填字游戏里碰到哦! 游戏规则 下方图片横竖共10个单词,在图片的下方共有10个句子作为提示,提示的答案对应表格上相应数字的单词。 PS:实在不知道的俚语,我是不会介意你根据提示在网上查找答案的。 游戏开始 难易指数:★★★ The clues 提示 1 Monkey ...... : bad or dishonest behaviour 2If someone lets a secret be known, especially be mistake, we can say they let the cat out of the ... 3If someone is unpopular because they've done something wrong we can say they're ' in the dog ...... ' 4To make a dog's ...... of something: to make a mess of something 5To talk the hind legs off a ...... : to talk a lot! 6Straight from the horse's ...... : when you get some information directly from the person responsible for it 7To have a memory like an ...... : to be able to remember things easily and for a long time 8This place is a...... : a very dirty or untidy place 9To take the bull be the ...... : to do something difficult in a brave and determined way 10Pigs might ... : when someone says something that we think will never happen 我们会在评论区精选出小伙伴们的正确答案,同时奉上中英对译。这次填字游戏比上次更具有针对性,难度也高了一些,不过相信大家可以的,那我们评论区见! 上期填字游戏回顾:英语单词填字游戏初级,来挑战!
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